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Photo of Money Mark Ramos-Nishita
Mark Ramos-Nishita

Money Mark is a musician and producer known for his work with the Beastie Boys and his solo projects.

Keyboard Money Mark

Timing is everything. People say that expression all of the time when talking sports, but the same is true in music. Money Mark's timing was perfect when during what became known as the period between Paul's Boutique and Check Your Head he was asked to fix the front gate at the G-Spot (the Los Angeles Beastie Boys' Party House). Impressed by his skilled hands when it came to carpentry and gate repair, the band asked him to begin working on remodeling an old Atwater Village building that became known as G-Son Studio and Grand Royal's main office.

Over discussions regarding music favorites, it became apparent that Money Mark was into the same type of material as the Beastie Boys. Not only was Mark skilled with carpentry, he was also skilled on the keyboard, filling a void in the studio when the Beastie Boys decided to pick up their instruments and jam.

Having been in bands since the 1970s, Money Mark had been long time friends with Mario Caldato, Jr.

So, it made sense that Mark would be a natural addition to the Beastie Boys creative process both in the studio and on the road. If you check the back of your Check Your Head album, you'll notice Mark was credited with several of the compositions. Ill Communication also showcased Mark's signature sound, and during the following tours to promote the album he was on stage right along side of the band.

Throughout this period, Mark was working on solo material. His first release Fido Speaks, had a very limited press run. Much of that material though made it onto the MoWax release Money Mark's Keyboard Repair. "Cry" was the first single that most people identify as being a solo Money Mark composition. However, several other songs from that album are still mainstays in Mark's live sets. Push the Button, which was released around the time of the Hello Nasty world tour, gave Mark and his band the opportunity to play huge venues as the opening act for the Beastie Boys. Push the Button's most successful single was "Maybe I'm Dead, and the album sold very well in the UK. In 2001, Mark released the long awaited Change is Coming and another album is not far off from being released.