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Having entertained legions of fans for years, the Beastie Boys are household names and living legends.

Yet, many of the people they have interacted with are not nearly as recognizable. Beastiemania.com feels that the more one knows about band, the more one can truly appreciate all that went into the creation of their music. From the various DJs to various percussionists, the Beastiemania.com Who's Who is an attempt to include everyone who has in one way or another contributed to the Beastie Boys creative spirit.

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As you may or may not be aware, the Check Your Head song "Time for Livin'" was not an original Beastie Boys composition. In fact, it was a combination of lyrics from Sylvester Stewart (Sly and the Family Stone) and music originally written by a New York band called Frontline ... more

Futura 2000

Futura 2000 started his career as a New York graffiti artist in 1970. But it wasn't until the 1980s that graffiti (as well as the hip hop lifestyle) came to the surface for the mainstream public to appreciate ... more

Jimmy Gestapo

Have you ever listened to the November 28th, 1982 recording of the Beastie Boys tearing it up at CBGB's and wondered what it must have been like to be center-stage in the pit? Jimmy Gestapo knows, because he was there ... more

Kim Gordon

As the first lady of alternative rock and bass player for Sonic Youth, Kim Gordon is the creative spirit behind X-Large's sister company X-Girl. Having risen from the same early 1980s New York music scene as the Beastie Boys, Kim and her husband/bandmate Thurston Moore have remained friends with the Beastie Boys over the years. ... more

Dave Hahn

Some fans of the Beastie Boys dig through crates looking for vinyl records. Other fans dig through album liner notes looking for insight and information. Both groups of fans have historically been puzzled over a particular name credited both on the Polly Wog Stew Ep and also on the Some Old Bullshit release: Dave ID ... more

Kathleen Hanna

Following Adam Horovitz's divorce, rumors ran rampant that he was romantically involved with former Bikini Kill band member Kathleen Hanna. Kathleen is best known for her influence with the Riot Grrrl movement which gained recognition during the early 1990s, as other indie acts like Nirvana were quickly being signed to major labels. ... more

Miho Hatori

Not since the day that George Martin was proclaimed the "5th Beatle" has there been such controversy over who could be crowned an honorary member of a band. The controversy today could be the question: "Who is the fourth Beastie Boy?" ... more

Nathanial Hörnblowér

Said to have been born in the Swiss Upenziel, Adam Yauch's uncle and alter ego, Nathanial Hörnblowér has richly contributed his creative flare to several Beastie Boys' projects throughout the years ... more

Adam "Adrock" Horovitz

If there was ever a popularity contest amongst the members of the Beastie Boys, Adam Horovitz would come out the winner. To prove this point, consider going in with two other people, each spending $333.00 to divide up a set of the Beastie Boys action figures. Now ask yourself: "If I have to choose which figure I want, who would it be?" Follow that with: "Which figure is everyone else going to want for their $333.00?" ... more

Rachel Horovitz

With a father like Israel Horovitz, who is a play and screen writer, it comes as no real surprise that show business runs through the veins of the Horovitz family. Rachael, who is Adrock's older sister, started her film career with an acting appearance in Author! Author! (1982), at time when the Beastie Boys were doing small gigs in support of Pollywog Stew. Her brothers, Matthew and Adam Horovitz, have both taken on acting roles as well ... more

Christian Hosoi

When the books have all been written (and many already have been), Christian Hosoi will go down in history as one of the baddest skaters ever to ride. While Gonz and Natas ran the streets, guys like Gator and Christian Hosoi were holding it down on vert ... more

Invisibl Skratch Piklz

Fans of the Beastie Boys were perhaps some of the very first people outside of California's turntable scene to follow the exploits of Mix Master Mike's crew, although now it would seem that everyone has jumped on the bandwagon ... more

Todd James

If you have ever been curious about who it was that designed the Beastie Boys' Brooklyn Dust Elephant logo (1992) then this Who's Who entry on Todd James in exactly what you have been waiting for ... more

Spike Jonze

Does he look familiar to you? He should. In the late 1990s, Spike was ubiquitous. He was everywhere at once. You could turn on MTV and there he'd be dancing in the video for Fatboy Slim's "Praise You" or... if you went to the movie theatre you would see him along side of George Clooney and Ice Cube in "Three Kings". ... more

The Junkyard Band

The Beastie Boys - Junkyard Band connection dates back to 1985, when the boys in the Junkyard Band were signed to Def Jam Records. A photo taken of both groups hanging out together at the contract signing party was later used for a Def Jam promotion 8 X 10 ... more

Just Blaze

The inexhaustible Just Blaze (Justin Smith) is perhaps best known for his work at Roc-a-Fella Records, where he has been one of that label's most successful in house producers. Having previously produced hit after hit for artists ranging from Jay-Z to Freeway, Just Blaze's remix of "Ch-Check It Out" gave fans of the Beastie Boys something to move their head to when that is what they needed most ... more

Mark Kates

"I may not have pictured myself running Grand Royal in my dreams, but I suppose it is the best example of what I have been seeking for a long time a smaller operation, independent of corporate influence. Hard to say what I would have done differently other than get into A&R sooner. I have learned to be patient, that like-minded people eventually get together in creative situations, and that the great artists know what they are doing" ... more

Kerry King

Getting right up there with Steppenwolf's "Born To Be Wild," "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" is one of the greatest road-trip songs of all time. The liner notes of the Beastie Boys' 1986 Def Jam release Licensed to Ill thanks a certain man for his "frozen metal and lead guitar:" the heavy metal guitar riffs that power the song were provided courtesy of Slayer guitarist Kerry King ... more

Kool Moe Dee

In the Beastie Boys' song "Intergalactic" they rhyme "Got an A from Moe Dee for sticking to themes." The "A" is in reference to the score of 10 that Kool Moe Dee gave the Beastie Boys in his infamous rapper's report card. What the Beastie Boys didn't mention in that song was the other relatively low marks that they received from Kool Moe Dee ... more


"We had a lot of extra material, and these songs all got written by Jill and myself on tour on a couple of acoustic guitars. We had just been on tour so long, we got antsy I guess and did these things." Vivian Trimble gave this response when she was asked about the origin of the Kostars ... more

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