Numbered Limited Editions Registry > CollectorsHome  

Numbered Limited Editions Registry

The closest thing a Beastie Boys fan has in regards to an official fan club membership card is owning a copy of one of the few limited editions that have been released.

Fans from around the world are encouraged to register their numbered copy and join the club. To register, email us your details.

Title: Promo Sasquatch Figure

Format: Promo Figure of the Sasquatch as seen in the Triple Trouble video-clip

Limited Edition: 70 Figures

Location: Hand numbered on a sticker found on one of the plastic stoppers of the tube

Number Name City Country
01 Prof D Pittsburgh, PA United States
18 Rusty Thibodeaux Lake Charles, LA United States
27 Anthony Johnsen Sydney Australia
31 Tony Mulcahy (ebay: grovemead) London United Kingdom
36 KAV Dublin Ireland
51 Xavier Garcia Milan Italy
55 deejayH20 (a.k.a. dj-double-h) Miami, FL United States
57 Stoffel (Christophe) Kruibeke Belgium