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Fan Review by Cindy T: Mix Master Mike took the stage and showed off his scratching talents with one song before the band joined him on stage. As the Pageant show intro was played (you know it--"Are you ready? Mike D, the King Adrock, MCA, Mix Master Mike. Beastie Boys! Five, four, three, two, one. Ladies and gentleman, they're taking over!"), Mike D yelled a Krunkish "What?!" into his microphone from off stage after the "Ladies and gentleman" bit. He yelled "What?!" again during Horovitz's first verse in "Root Down." Mike may be suffering from a hearing problem or possibly dealing with a Lil Jon complex. The weave was executed with precision during "Root Down" despite the stage being extremely small. During the show, they ran into each other a few times. Usually, it was Mike running into the other two. Amazingly, none of them fell off the small stage during the show. "Sure Shot" was a strong performance, as it normally is. It was straight up, nothing fancy or new. Mix Master Mike dropped in the same stuff as on the Pageant Tour. Like Mr. Diamond, Horovitz appeared to be suffering from a hearing problem and shouted "What?!" like a goof at the end of "Sure Shot"--and pretty much throughout the entire show. Before the next song, "Triple Trouble," Mike addressed the audience: "So what's up y'all? How's everyone doing here in Utah? Anyone from around here? I'm not from here." "Where you from, Mike?" asked Horovitz, to which Mike proudly replied, "I'm from money-makin' Manhattan!!" "Or what?! What?!!" shouted Horovitz in response. "Triple Trouble" was a straight-up performance, exactly what you would have heard and seen during the Pageant Tour. After the song, Mike addressed the audience again: "You know, we came a long, long way--well, not so long--to be here tonight. And I'm going to prove one thing right now. Ok. I'm going to leave no doubt this time. I'm not going to have anybody with any lingering doubts. Not one. 'Cause I got the skills to pay the bills!" It was a lively performance of a fan favorite. It was at this point of the show that silliness struck. I have no idea why they chose to goof on this particular thing, but chainsaw became an important word and/or theme from this point on. They faced one another and did a Wonder Twins impersonation. "Jayna! Form of! Chainsaw!" they yelled in unison. Mix Master Mike broke up the silliness by going into the intro of "Brass Monkey," only to be stopped by Mike after a few seconds. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm going to need a sip of water. You know, I could get dehydrated on this next number," he said. As Mike took a water break, Horovitz asked the audience how many people in attendance were from Utah. Horovitz's eyes panned the crowd and he noted, "Just a couple. Not many." "Are you all ready to dance?" Mike asked the audience. "To dance!!" he exclaimed, revving up the crowd. Mix Master Mike began the intro to "Brass Monkey" again. The bass was so heavy on this number, it was difficult to hear the vocals. Next up was "Pass the Mic." On this one, Mix Master Mike did some new, cool stuff, making it probably the most interesting song performance of the evening. Horovitz yelled some more What?!s during this song and shouted out to "Sweet Lou." At the song's conclusion, Mike declared, "Mike D in the house!" Horovitz added an odd comment of "Think of Bobby!" There was a lot of crazytalk (i.e., stuff that made absolutely no sense) throughout the show. "Hey, everything is going really good so far tonight," said Horovitz. "I really can't complain. I feel pretty good." "Adam, I feel good about this next number," said Mike to Yauch. "Really?" replied Yauch. "What is it?" "You're going to start it off," Mike explained. Then the three of them huddled, with the end result being Mike asking the audience, "Who's winning up in this house?" Yauch mumbled something about an oxygen tank, and then they all poked fun at sponsorship. Yauch said they wanted to thank their sponsor for the night, Alpo Dog Food. Horovitz ended the talk of sponsorship by breaking into the familiar intro of "If you know the words to the next song, please sing along. Noowww..." Boy, did the audience sing along to "Paul Revere!" It was definitely a crowd favorite. "We drank a beer and it was cold..." Before the next song, they shouted out to Bill Rahmy (production manager for the Pageant) and asked him if anything big was going on. "Are you ready for some more big things?" Mike asked the audience, introducing "Ch-Check It Out." For me, this was probably the best song performance soundwise. (Sound was a problem for the entire show.) Always delightful and entertaining, Mike performed The Finger. Yauch warned Mike and MMM: "Don't fuck this up." "Sssssssh!! I know this scares a lot of people," said Mike, holding his finger in the air. "A lot of you are scared right now. But just keep watching. Ssssssh! Attire!!" "Body Movin'" followed "Ch-Check It Out." It was another straight-up, tight performance. Nothing out of the ordinary to note--except the ending saw the return of the chainsaw. "Form of! Chainsaw!" yelled Horovitz. "Ch-ch-ch-ch-chainsaw!" "Ch-ch-ch-ch!!" added Yauch. "Ch-ch-check it from a chain store!" topped Horovitz. "Where's Pepe?" asked Horovitz, looking up at the balcony where Kathleen Hanna was sitting. "Ok. Check it out," said Mike. "This next song we need everybody to sing along. It's like a call and response number. We call; you respond. Like 9-1-1." "What's with these rules all of a sudden?" Horovitz interrupted Mike. "Listen, it's only going to work if we all are in this together," Mike replied. "Jayna! Form of! Chainsaw!" the three said in unison yet again. "Seriously, I need everybody," Mike said to the audience, trying to rally enthusiasm. Coming up with additional Wonder Twin forms, Yauch shouted, "Futon! Coughdrop! Rhyming jews! Ermine Cat...always watching me!" Crazytalk. "Kathleen is up there," Mike said, directing Horovitz to look up at the balcony where she was sitting. Strangely, Yauch asked Mike, "Are you going to slam him on stage in front of his (I think he said) mate?" Then Yauch acknowledged Mix Master Mike's wife with, "Diane, are you up there?" looking up at the balcony. "What's the next song?" asked Horovitz uncomfortably, clearly trying to bring an end to whatever Mike and Yauch were attempting to embarrass him with. "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn" followed the awkward discussion that only the three of them were following. For this song, they delivered their rhymes rather sloppily, but it didn't ruin the song. (How do they get away with that?) Mike blamed Horovitz for it going poorly. "Why are you always fighting my rhymes, Adam?" Mike jokingly asked Horovitz in the middle of the song. "I didn't mean to," replied Horovitz innocently. "It just happens." "Right Right Now Now" was up next. It was a solid song performance. Nothing unusual or interesting to note, except yet frickin' again, the chainsaw returned with Horovitz echoing "Chainsaw! Chainsaw! Chainsaw!" at the end. To prove that they prepared for the show, they changed the intro of "3 MCs and 1 DJ" to a modified verse from "Adventures of Super Rhymes" (Jimmy Spicer) in acapella. As they positioned themselves to begin the song in proper form, some joker in the audience requested more of the weave, but he called it "Figure 8." Someone corrected him, and he began to yell "The weave! The weave!!" The "3 MCs and 1 DJ" intro went like this: This DJ, he gets down mixing records while they go around The hibbid, the hop, ya just don't stop rockin' to the beat make your fingers pop 'cause nobody can do it like Mix Master can... This song performance was really tight. They gave props to Mix Master Mike at the end. "Shake Your Rump" brought out another "Sweet Lou" reference by Horovitz and ended the set. The band left the stage only briefly before returning for the encore. "Intergalactic" was the first song of the encore. Yauch was feeling Wu-Tangy, repeating "Woo-taang! Wooo-taang!" to the beat. Horovitz broke the "Now when I wrote graffiti..." bit, forcing MMM to take it back for repair. After "Intergalactic," Mike took time to acknowledge those who helped put the show together. Among the names mentioned were Bill Rahmy, J.C. (Jerome Crooks, their tour manager), their sound dude Tim, and Mix Master Mike. Horovitz and Yauch thanked their sponsors: Kotex, Pampers, Gerber Baby Food, Reese's Pieces, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. "This one goes out to one of my favorite sponsors, Purina Cat Food," said Yauch, introducing "So What'cha Want." The song was stopped dead in the middle by Mike D, who lost his place in the song. Yauch cued him to his rhymes and the song concluded. The band thanked the audience and left the stage to the Jazz Crusaders' "Way Back Home" a la the Pageant Tour. The show was 55 minutes long. |
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