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Gig Info:
Lineup: Young Aborigines
Performance Date: 7 March 1981

Country: United States
City: Purchase, NY
Venue: State University of New York


Not Available
Note: The following narrative was provided by Jeremy Shatan who recorded it in February 1981 in his diary. It is reprinted here with his permission.

Friday, 2/27/81 "Well, I didn't go to the country. My decision was made by
John Berry with the news that we got a gig next Saturday at (S.U.N.Y) Purchase. We've only practiced once this week, so we have to make up for it this weekend."

Saturday, 2/28/81 "Today we were supposed to rehearse at one (as arranged last night)...At 12:45, I head west to John Berry's house. I arrive there at 12:56 to find him not there. I tell his dad to leave him a note...{Later} Michael (Diamond) calls. He's in BROOKLYN and didn't even know about the rehearsal arrangement. We talk for a few minutes."

Sunday, 3/1/81 "Today was pretty uneventful. I went to eat breakfast with Michael (Diamond) (actually he had breakfast, I had rice pudding). I ate dinner at the Diamond's - we discussed the complexities of the gig. After dinner we called John (Berry) and began to get our shit together. We decided that if all expenses are not paid we ain't gonna do the gig. I didn't get a chance to vent my feelings at John. I well try to do so CIVILLY at rehearsal tomorrow"

Monday, 3/2/81 "Rehearsal went well. Kate (Schellenbach), our new percussionist was there. I liked her. Jill (Cunniff) was there also but not Darice. It turns out that the gig doesn't start until 1:00am. Oh well. It's a break anyway."

Thursday, 3/5/81 "The gig was postponed. I'm relieved - it would have been a pain getting down there. It would have been fun to do. John and I were both surprised and pleased that we had gotten our shit together so quickly. C'est la vie, tu sait?"