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Standard Hats
Title: Hello Nasty Cap
Year: 1998
Type: Standard Hats
Color: Blue, Tan
Promotional T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Crew
Year: 1998
Type: Promotional T-Shirts
Color: Black, Light Green, Yellow, Orange
Notes: Featuring the Grand Royal Bugler wearing a Space Shirt (for the Hello Nasty Space Station theme) on the upper left chest, this shirt was worn by the behind the scenes people of the tour.
Standard T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Duel Channel
Year: 1998
Type: Standard T-Shirts
Color: Brown
Notes: This shirt features the same image as that found on the back of the Hello Nasty album cover art. It was originally sold both at tour venues during the 1998 North American tour as well as at regular retail stores.
Bootleg T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Football Shirt
Year: 1998
Type: Bootleg T-Shirts
Color: Blue
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Ringer - American Tour Dates
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: White
Notes: This shirt does contain a back design with a list of cities from the tour (Cleveland to Oakland).
There are versions with Green trim and others with Red.
Standard Miscellaneous
Title: Hello Nasty Socks
Year: 1998
Type: Standard Miscellaneous
Color: White + Black
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Tour
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: Black, White
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty Tour
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: White
Notes: Has North American tour dates on the back.
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: Hello Nasty USA Tour (Aug/Sep)
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: Beige
Notes: Assumed to be an early tour shirt for the August-September USA leg of the tour as it's missing some cities. Interestingly, it lists "Dallas, TX" where "Ft Worth, TX" should be, so it's possible Dallas was the original city for this stop.
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: In The Round - World Tour
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: Yellow, Green
Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Title: In The Round - World Tour - Baseball Shirt
Year: 1998
Type: Tour Merchandise T-Shirts
Color: White + Black
Standard T-Shirts
Title: Junior Varsity - Joe & Tony's Barbershop
Year: 1998
Type: Standard T-Shirts
Color: Yellow + Green, Blue + Orange
Notes: These were available on the 1998 Hello Nasty World Tour and can be worn with the Joe & Tony's Shorts for a complete uniform.
Joe and Tony's is the barber shop featured in the Sabotage Home Video.
Standard T-Shirts
Title: Junior Varsity - Joe & Tony's Barbershop (Tank Top)
Year: 1998
Type: Standard T-Shirts
Color: Yellow + Green
Notes: These were available on the 1998 Hello Nasty World Tour and can be worn with the Joe & Tony's Shorts for a complete uniform.
Joe and Tony's is the barber shop featured in the Sabotage Home Video.
Standard Miscellaneous
Title: Junior Varsity - Joe & Tony's Barbershop Shorts
Year: 1998
Type: Standard Miscellaneous
Color: Yellow + Green
Notes: These were available on the 1998 Hello Nasty World Tour and can be worn with the Joe & Tony's T-Shirt or Tanktop for a complete uniform.
Joe and Tony's is the barber shop featured in the Sabotage Home Video.
Standard T-Shirts
Title: Milarepa Mobile Action Unit - 1998 North American Tour
Year: 1998
Type: Standard T-Shirts
Color: White